8 Signs That You Are In A Selfish Relationship

Selfishness is the number one cause of a dysfunctional relationship. Selfish behavior can be a part of our lives at times.

Both partners must take notice of each other and make a decision. This will ensure that they have a loving, healthy relationship free from jealousy or power dynamics. If stability is desired, selfishness must not be tolerated. Two partners must find balance if they are to prosper. This can only be achieved when each side is considerate of the other’s feelings and needs.

These are signs you might be in a selfish affair

    1. Your partner won’t compromise or make sacrifices.
    2. Your partner may not always consider your needs first.
    3. Communication is more about giving lectures, critics and ultimatums than it is about understanding or discussing.
    4. Your partner doesn’t express gratitude for the little things you do for him or her, nor does he appreciate any other aspect of life.

Your partner is prone to putting down others or dismissing others’ opinions in order to make them seem more powerful.

When things go wrong in a relationship, you find yourself needing to take responsibility and apologize.

They will expect favors, but not reciprocate when you need support or help.

They are not interested in your interests and hobbies, but they will be extremely offended if it isn’t.

If your partner is unwilling to compromise or make sacrifices, this can be a sign that you are in a selfish relationship.

This can lead to a frustrating feeling that your needs, opinions and desires are being put last.

Although occasional disagreements between partners are normal, working against one another and refusing to compromise can lead to a negative effect on relationships.

Communication breakdowns are often caused by one person wanting their way and failing to consider the opinions of their partner.

Instead of understanding each other’s point of view, conversations quickly turn into arguments and ultimatums.

Both sides find it difficult to move forward and reach mutually beneficial agreements.

This behavior may indicate that your relationship is not healthy.

Balanced partnerships require two people to share equal responsibility for maintaining harmony. However, this can be difficult if one person puts their own needs before their partner’s.

There are many reasons for self-centeredness in relationships.

Some people may feel insecure or lacking self-worth and put their needs first before their partner’s.

Other times, it may be a result of past experiences that made someone mistrustful and cautious when it comes to receiving and giving love.

Sometimes, one person may feel entitled and able to do what they want without considering the feelings or perspectives of their partner.

No matter what the cause, selfishness can lead to a relationship where both partners feel taken advantage of and they move away from one another.

It is a sign that one partner is always putting their needs first, and disregarding the boundaries of their partner. This creates an environment in which intimacy and trust cannot flourish.

These are some strategies to deal with a selfish partner in your relationship

    1. Set boundaries and be ready to enforce them.
    2. Communicate your feelings calmly, without judgement – It is easy to get overwhelmed when you are confronted with a selfish partner. Therefore, it is important to take the time to express your feelings in a non-threatening and open manner.
    3. Do not try to fix your partner. Trying to control or solve their problems will only cause more conflict and resentment.
      1. Take breaks from the situation. It’s okay to take a step back and regroup before you tackle problems that arise from selfishness. This allows both of you to get away from the problem at hand.
      2. Get outside help – If the situation becomes overwhelming, it might be beneficial for both of you to seek counseling or guidance from someone who can give objective advice about how to best deal with it.


      Although no relationship is perfect, if there isn’t respect, trust, and consideration in a relationship it can quickly turn into an abusive partnership. Any amount of selfishness, no matter how small or large, can lead to a dangerous relationship if it isn’t addressed. Only you can decide whether a little bit of selfishness is okay or harmful. To be long-lastingly successful, relationships must be built on mutual love, respect, support, and mutual respect. Healthy relationships should be built on self-love and selfworth. Both partners must work together in equal ways.