15 Things that Happen when an Empath falls in love with a Narcissist

Why some relationships are toxic and doomed from the beginning

A lack of understanding, empathy, and communication between the parties can lead to relationships that are not sustainable. Narcissists are often unable to see the needs of their partner, while Empaths struggle to set boundaries to protect themselves. It can lead to a toxic relationship in which each person feels disregarded and drained, leading to anger and resentment that is difficult to overcome. This can lead to a toxic relationship where each person feels taken advantage of and is unable to work together.

Why an Empath and Narcissist Relationship is Toxic

An empath-narcissist relationship can become very toxic. The narcissist will take advantage of the empath’s connection and use it to their advantage. The empath feels depleted, unappreciated and used. These relationships can also be codependent and it is difficult for one party to leave them. A lack of balance between them can lead to anger and resentment, which can have long-lasting detrimental effects on both your mental and physical health.

Opposites attract, but the results of joining an Empath or a Narcissist can be toxic – here are 15 reasons why

An Empath attracts a Narcissistic Partner

Because of their charisma and confidence, an Empath can be attracted to Narcissistic partners. Their charm and ability to make them feel valued, appreciated, and loved draws them in. This relationship can quickly turn toxic when the Empath realizes that the Narcissist cannot offer genuine love or support.

All Efforts to “Fix the Narcissist” Fail

A toxic relationship in which one of the partners is a narcissist can be undone by any amount of effort. It is possible to convince narcissists that they need empathy and understanding. They often lack insight into the truth of their actions and words. To maintain control, aggressive behavior, manipulation and other attention-seeking tactics may be used to try to “fix” the situation. Narcissists are unable to see beyond themselves so trying to change them will not work.

Manipulation takes over

Narcissists are prone to manipulation and use their charm and charisma to manipulate others. They lack empathy and cannot take responsibility for their actions. This means they will do anything to keep power.

Questions about self-worth

Manipulation can have devastating psychological effects, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and worthlessness. As the manipulator’s destructive behavior chip away at their confidence, victims may question their judgments, self-images, and identity.

It is a sign of submissive behavior

Manipulation can cause a vicious cycle of submissiveness and complicity in relationships. Victims become conditioned to look to their manipulator to get approval. This sense of helplessness and powerlessness can lead to victims feeling powerless to defend themselves or take action against their abusers.

Feelings like you are losing your energy

Manipulation can cause a victim to lose their energy. Victims report feeling exhausted, drained and overwhelmed by the constant demands of their abusers. Excessive mental and emotional labor can cause victims to feel powerless and depressed.


One-sided conversations become common

Conversations can become unbalanced, which is one of the hallmarks of manipulation. The manipulator can control the conversation and limit the victim’s ability for them to speak out edgewise. The victim is forced into silence and unable to speak out against the abuser.

Empaths’ Thoughts and Feelings Are Disregarded

Many empaths find their thoughts and feelings ignored or dismissed by others. This can leave empaths feeling disempowering, unheard, invalidated, or unheard. This tactic is used by manipulators to weaken the empath’s sense of identity and allow them to control their victim.

The Narcissist is not supportive

Narcissists can often make it difficult for empaths to find support and validation in relationships with them. The empath is often not understood by the narcissist, who expects them to follow their beliefs and desires. As empaths who live with narcissists may not be aware of their situation, they might struggle to find support and understanding from others. Empaths who don’t have a support system can be more vulnerable to emotional harm.


Loneliness sets in

It can be lonely to live in a relationship with a narcissist. Empaths often feel that they are unable to find comfort in the company and support of others, and become isolated. An empath can feel completely alone and may experience depression, anxiety, or fear.

Insufficient trust breeds discord

An empath who isn’t trusted by a narcissist may feel unsafe in a relationship. An empath who lacks mutual trust may be afraid to share their feelings and thoughts, in fear that the narcissist might use them against them. This can cause resentment and conflict over the smallest of issues, which can further strain the relationship and create more distrust.

Real intimacy requires maturity


Intimacy is about both partners being mature and seeing the relationship as something that is worth nurturing and protecting. Both partners must take responsibility for their actions and feelings, and also show understanding, respect, empathy, and consideration for each other. This level of maturity is difficult to attain in a relationship between an empathist and a narcissist. However, it will eventually bring them closer.

Both partners may experience guilt

Both the empath or the narcissist can feel guilty when they are in a relationship. Both the empath and the narcissist may feel guilty about not being able meet their needs. The empath might feel guilty for failing to show empathy to the empath. Guilt can create an emotional barrier between people and can cause further conflict if it is not dealt with.

Unfulfillment in terms of an Emotional Relationship

If two people don’t feel connected emotionally, they may feel a sense of unfulfilled longing. This is especially true for empaths and narcissists, who may not be able to feel the deep emotions that the empath requires. It is essential that both the empath and the narcissist take steps to fully understand their feelings and desires. This can be difficult but may prove to be worthwhile.

Breakup is necessary for growth

Sometimes, it can be the best thing for two people in an unhealthy relationship to break up. This is particularly true for empaths or narcissists. Both parties must take a step back and focus on their own growth in order to have a better relationship. It is crucial to take time to reflect on your own growth. While it might not be easy, it will help you both to heal any trauma or unresolved issues.


How Empaths can heal a relationship with a narcissist

Empaths may find it difficult to leave a relationship with a manipulative narcissist. They might be feeling betrayed and hurt. It is crucial for empaths that they take steps to heal so that they can move on in their lives.


If an empathic person is trying to heal from a relationship that they have with a narcissist, there are a few things they should be aware of:

  1. You can improve your self-worth by reminding you that you are worthy and don’t need someone else’s approval or love to make you happy.
  2. Self-care can be practiced in any form that works for you, whether journaling, meditation, or taking a break from social media.
  3. Talk about the events and learn healthy ways to express your emotions. Talking to a therapist is also helpful for processing difficult emotions.
  4. You must set boundaries with the narcissist. Limit contact as much as you can, even if it is difficult at first. This will ensure that you don’t fall back into old patterns of behavior.
  5. Find hobbies and activities that bring you joy. These activities will help you build healthy relationships with people who are safe and secure.